In network marketing, web site sales turnover rate is the most important capability, otherwise, even if we do everything possible to attract more of the traffic, not facilitate transactions. Website traffic is good, but the "full inquiry, no orders, watch much less pocket", plagued by many bosses! Website Design determines whether the site's ranking in search engines, but also determines the bounce rate for your site, we know that the level and effectiveness of network marketing website bounce rate is directly linked, so that the site design determines the network marketing life and death is not an exaggeration.
High-end marketing website building first thing to do is to design web site design and content, in order to comply with web content seo search engine optimization rules, and useful information to users, this is very important, then how to design web pages, how to write search engine friendly web content? Here to share with you on this topic.
1, the number of links on each page and not too much, you want to make sure that every link on the page do too much, too easily fragmented ownership page weight, the number of questions on the links, not excessive pursuit of the number, nature-all website promotion principles, can not appear the phenomenon of piling up.
2, to provide users sitemap file contains important site links to important pages. To ensure site promotion site map file that contains the xml format and html format two map files, xml format when creating a map file, pay attention to each link map file inside not more than fifty thousand, if the link more, after you can create multiple sitemap file, you create the sitemap file, you can submit to search engines, for example, may be submitted in Baidu webmaster platform or Google Webmaster tools.
3, URL of the page to make use of static, when using dynamic URL, parameters should be minimized although search engines can crawl normal static and dynamic URL, but still static URL has some advantages, when forced to use a dynamic URL when , URL should be brief, descriptive parameters contained inside not too much.
4, useful, information-rich site, and write pages that clearly and accurately describe your content, search engine site promotion increasing emphasis on content pages, and be able to provide rich and useful content of the website, more and more Internet Marketing Search engine green Levin, can be taken in the page illustrated the way to enrich the content of the page.
5, taking into account the words users would type to find your pages, make sure that your site actually includes those words in writing web content, it should more from the site user's perspective to write, think more of what users will use kind of language, as much as possible to meet the needs of users, and can create a keyword dictionary, thesaurus according to key words inside the content of website promotion to organize web content, make sure that each page has a potential search terms the user to use.
濟南嘉晟網絡科技有限公司是一家專業(yè)從事互聯(lián)網技術開發(fā)和網站應用服務的高科技公司,主要業(yè)務濟南網站建設、濟南網站優(yōu)化、濟南網絡推廣、濟南微信營銷、濟南微網建設、濟南400電話、濟南企業(yè)彩鈴、濟南掛機短信,致力于為企業(yè)提供全面、豐富的網絡解決方案。濟南嘉晟網絡科技有限公司致力于推進中國企業(yè)信 息化和電子商務的發(fā)展進程,不遺余力的幫助企業(yè)加快電子商務的步伐,專注于中國企業(yè)的信息化建設,多方位提高企業(yè)的核心競爭力,正確邁出企業(yè)信息化的第一步。歡迎廣大客戶前來咨詢合作!
Jinan Jia Sheng Network Technology Co., Ltd. is a company specializing in the development of Internet technology and Web applications and services high-tech companies, the main business site construction Jinan, Jinan, site optimization,web promotion Jinan, Jinan micro-channel marketing, Jinan micro-grid construction, Jinan 400 phone, Jinan enterprise CRBT, Jinan hang SMS, to provide enterprises with a comprehensive, rich network solutions. Jinan Jia Sheng Network Technology Co., Ltd. is committed to promoting the development process of Chinese enterprise information and e-commerce, spare no effort to help companies accelerate the pace of e-commerce, focusing on information technology of Chinese enterprises, multi-faceted improve the core competitiveness of enterprises, correct the first step towards enterprise information. Welcome to our customers Advisory cooperation!